SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Assistant lecturer

Klaus Kammermeier

External lecturer

Phone: +49 30 55608892

About me

Klaus inspires innovators to unleash their talent. He designs and conducts engaging learning experiences to build transferable skills and to achieve higher impact. Klaus is helping start-ups to work on the right things at the right time while enabling growth and transformation. He invented NanoLabs® to strengthen the culture for experimentation and discovery, and NanoHacks® to create aha-moments that change peoples lives. Klaus coaches teams to overcome their dysfunctions and perform at their best. He supports and trains organisations to build thriving networks and he abundantly shares his experiences from over 20 successful years in business as a public speaker and lecturer.  Klaus is the founder and managing director of Cyoneer GmbH and InnovationLabs.Berlin. He studied Engineering, Economics, and Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences, completed executive education programs at Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, and at Columbia University Business School, New York City. He held technical and commercial leadership positions at highly recognised global innovation powerhouse, for which he managed and led more than 250 technology innovation initiatives and programs. He lived for over 10 years in the UK and in the US and resides now in Berlin, Germany. 

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