SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences

Internship Abroad

Your path to international practical experience.


Please send your application documents at least 6 weeks before the start of the internship by email to:

Further information on the necessary application documents and the application process can be found ...

Information events

Info Meet Up! Auslandspraktikum - Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten (Deutsch)
Dienstag 23.07.2024 um 14.00 Uhr

Info Meet Up! Internship abroad - Financing options (English)
Wednesday 24.07.2024 at 13.00 pm

First Steps

Where can I find internships?

International practical experience is in demand. In many of our study programmes, an internship semester is firmly anchored in the curriculum - whether at home or abroad. But how do you find the perfect internship in your chosen country?

Our Career Service supports you in your search for an internship abroad. Some of your professors and fellow students can also give you tips and share their experiences. It's best to ask your department directly.

The DAAD also provides helpful information on their website.

You can also find further suggestions in the publications on the download list. 

If you are interested in an Erasmus+ internship within Europe, the website is a good place to start. The platform was launched by the European Commission with the support of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). Its aim is to connect internship seekers with organisations and companies across Europe. 

Your funding opportunities

How do I finance an internship abroad?

You should plan for additional expenses for travel, accommodation, food and/or visa - especially if your internship is unpaid or only marginally paid. The International Office will help you find the right funding programme.

If you want to do a traineeship in a European country, you are eligible for an Erasmus+ Grant.

For internships of up to half a year, the DAAD PROMOS programme may also be of interest to you. The International Office of SRH Berlin will be happy to support and advise you.

If an internship is required as part of your study programme or if you are planning a placement of at least one semester or twelve weeks, you can apply for Auslands-BAföG (BAfög abroad).

For internships abroad lasting a maximum of 3 months, a Kurzstipendium des DAAD (a DAAD short-term scholarship) can also be considered.

Fürs Auslandspraktikum


With an Erasmus+ grant we can financially support your internship abroad in all EU member states and Serbia, North Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Turkey. Once you have found an internship and signed an internship contract, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant. An Erasmus+ grant does not have to be repaid.

General information about the Erasmus+ program can be found here.

More info about Erasmus+
  • enrolled at one of the schools of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
  • Confirmation of an internship for at least 2 months
  • have not yet received financial support during the current studies via Erasmus+ for 12 months

Since the new program generation (2021-2027), financial support via Erasmus+ can be applied for not only within Europe (program countries), but also for countries outside Europe (partner countries). However, the budget available for funding outside Europe in partner countries is much lower than that for program countries. Therefore, the International Office has decided to support internships abroad in partner countries only if funding is still available. In general, internships abroad in partner countries are not funded by SRH Berlin through Erasmus+.

In this pdf document "Eligible Countries & Funding Rates for Erasmus+ Internships Abroad" you will find all information about the necessary application documents and the funding rates for the individual program countries.

Once you have been accepted for an internship and have signed an internship contract, you can apply for Erasmus+ funding. To do so, please send a copy of the internship contract or a confirmation email from the internship institution, a current enrollment certificate and the completed and the signed Application form via email to the International Office. We will then contact you directly and send you all the necessary application documents.

Before the start of the internship abroad, the following documents must be completed and signed between you and SRH in any case:

  • Grant Agreement signed in original (contract on grant duration and amount, rights and obligations for grantees)
  • Learning Agreement (digital) - Agreement on the goals of the internship, which are coordinated with the programme director in advance
  • Declaration of eligibility and prior participation
  • Declaration of insurance coverage
  • safety instructions for Covid-19, if applicable
  • Completion of the OLS language test

As soon as the documents are complete, we can order the transfer of the 1st rate of the Erasmus+ scholarship (70% of the total amount). The process usually takes about 14 days. If you are unsure, please contact the International Office and ask whether the order for payment has already been made.

If there are significant changes in the tasks at the beginning or during your internship abroad or if you change the internship institution again, you must also discuss these with your program director and have them confirmed in your Learning Agreement. This will ensure that your work abroad is recognized.

If you have to cancel your internship and it is foreseeable that you will not be able to achieve enough ECTS in your internship abroad, please contact your program director immediately and discuss the options you have in order to still be able to complete the remaining academic achievements.

After the internship abroad

After completing your internship abroad, you must have your internship period confirmed by the internship institution on the Confirmation Letter . Please submit this letter together with your experience report to the International Office. 

To receive the 2nd rate of the Erasmus+ grant, you must have completed the following no later than 30 days after the end of your internship abroad:

  • Submit Confirmation Letter to the International Office
  • Submit experience report to the International Office
  • Completion of the EU Survey (link will be sent to you automatically by email)
  • possibly second language test via OLS (Online Linguistic Support)

When all these documents are filled out and signed or you have completed the questionnaires, we can initiate the 2nd rate of your Erasmus+ scholarship. The transfer should not take longer than 14 days.

Fürs Ausldandspraktikum


PROMOS is a programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), administered by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to increase the mobility of students from German universities. Funding is available for internships abroad of minimum 6 weeks  and maximum 6 months worldwide. Internships must not be eligible for funding under any other DAAD funding programme (e.g. Erasmus+).

More on PROMOS
  • regularly enrolled and pursuing a degree at one of the schools of the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
  • have received a confirmation for an internship of at least 6 weeks and max 6 months
  • have not yet received financial support via PROMOS for a total of 6 months

As soon as you have received an official confirmation for an internship and have signed an internship contract, you can apply for PROMOS funding. Please send a copy of the internship contract together with the other application documents listed below by email to the International Office. We will then contact you directly and send you all the necessary application documents.

Before the start of the internship abroad, the following documents must be completed and signed between you and SRH in any case:

  • Application form PROMOS and all related documents
  • Scholarship agreement signed in the original (contract on funding period and amount, rights and obligations for recipient)
  • if applicable, safety instructions for Covid-19

As soon as the application documents are complete:

  • Application form
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of recommendation from a professor/lecturer
  • Current transcript of records (CampusNet or Examination Office)
  • current certificate of enrollment (CampusNet or Student Service)
  • Proof of language skills
  • Internship confirmation (internship contract)

we can make the selection between all applicants after the application deadline. The decision about the acceptance or rejection should reach you no later than 4 weeks after the application deadline. The selection is made by a selection committee, which is composed of different departments of the SRH Berlin.

The PROMOS scholarship is a performance-based scholarship. Therefore, it is most important for your application that you convincingly present the qualifications you have achieved so far and the goals of your stay abroad. The selection committee will make its selection on the basis of the application documents you submit.

If you have been accepted for financial support through PROMOS, we can arrange the transfer of the entire scholarship according to the scholarship agreement. The processing usually takes about 14 days.

The funding rates of the PROMOS program vary depending on the destination country. Here you can find an overview of the PROMOS funding rated for the year 2023.

Depending on the available budget and the number of applications, we will consider whether and for how long we can support you through PROMOS. We want to give as many students as possible the opportunity to receive financial support, so it may be that we cannot support you for the entire duration of your internship.

At the end of your internship abroad, you are required to provide proof of - Confirmation of Stay about the duration of your internship abroad and an Experience report.

Your preparation

General FAQs on Internship abroad

The ideal time for your internship abroad depends on your personal motivations and your field of study. Many of our degree programs have made it compulsory to study or do an internship abroad during the study program (7th semester). You can find out in which semester your stay abroad is mandatory in the module handbook that you received at the beginning of your studies, or you can ask your program director. 

Even without a mandatory semester abroad in your curriculum, you can opt for an internship abroad, e.g., during the semester break. You must then note that there are minimum requirements for certain financial support programs, e.g., the internship must be at least 2 months long for Erasmus+ funding.

It is also possible to complete an internship abroad after graduation and to be funded by Erasmus+. Contact the International Office for more information or inquire about internships abroad on our website. 

You are responsible for finding an internship yourself. The SRH Berlin Career Service can give you tips for your research and support you in preparing your application documents and for an interview. The Career Service offers many useful workshops and seminars, and it is worthwhile to use the "Jobteaser Portal" 

The Career Service of SRH Berlin is responsible for the approval and recognition of internships for your study programme. Please contact

As soon as you have found an internship abroad, you can apply for either Erasmus+ funding or PROMOS funding via the International Office of SRH Berlin, depending on your destination country. To do this, you must submit the application form "Application form for Internships Abroad" together with a certificate of enrollment and proof of your internship with the exact dates. On the basis of these documents, we will decide whether and through which program we can support you financially. The International Office will guide you through the process and send you the necessary information and documents that you need to submit for your application.

More about Erasmus:

More about PROMOS:

Whether you need to apply for a visa for your internship abroad depends on your nationality and which country you want to go to. Since the visa regulations and the visa application vary from country to country, you should clarify as early as possible whether you need a visa. Information can be found on the website of the embassy of your destination country. Please note that obtaining a visa can take several weeks or months. Please also contact your internship institution to see if they already have experience in applying for visas and can support you.

You are responsible for applying for a visa yourself. The International Office will assist you with any questions or documents you need. To apply for a visa, you need a valid passport.

The first step is to talk to your internship institution about how you are insured through them during your internship.

Recommended for an internship abroad is international health insurance, liability insurance and accident insurance. For Erasmus+ funded internships, these three insurances are mandatory. 

Health insurance coverage should be valid for the entire time you spend in the host country. Citizens of the European Union who wish to do an internship in another EU country should be insured through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It is best to contact your health insurance company before your stay abroad to clarify whether you have sufficient insurance coverage. We recommend that health insurance coverage always include medically necessary repatriation and pandemic-related illnesses. 

If your internship institution does not provide you with liability and accident insurance, you are responsible for it. We advise  you to take out a valid accident and liability insurance for the host country for every internship abroad. As a first step, you can ask your existing insurance policies in Germany whether they are also valid abroad. The International Office can also provide you with insurance providers who offer international insurance.

If you participate in the Erasmus+ program or PROMOS program, you can take advantage of DAAD group insurance at your own expense. DAAD group insurance includes health, accident and liability insurance. You can find more information on the DAAD website.

You will discuss which language skills in which language you need for the internship independently with the internship institution. There are no guidelines for this.

If your internship doesn't meet your expectations and, for example, you don't get any meaningful tasks or the team doesn't respect you, the first step is to talk to your supervisors and talk about what's bothering you and work out a new internship plan. However, if there is no solution, you can of course cancel your internship at any time. To do this, please contact the Career Service and your program director as soon as possible and describe the case. If you receive financial support through the Erasmus+ or PROMOS program, please also inform the International Office so that we can initiate necessary measures.


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